My sister-in-law had a very successful experience with the clinic and following my first phone call with Dr. Patrick Moore, I felt in control and at ease.
I feared what others would say so I decided beforehand to get on the front foot early and advise all my friends about what I was doing and my reasonings behind it.
I felt this was far better than people noticing such a massive weight loss and then asking me how I did it. I got a much higher level of support this way.
Stick with the post-op diet and don’t rush back.
Try all foods as soon as you can in small portions.
Plan ahead when travelling or moving about.
Try cooking on a Sunday and prep your lunches.
DO NOT EAT UNTIL FULL - Give yourself a maximum of 10 mins to eat a meal and STOP.
Use very small plates when plating up your meal.
If you have a partner that is also looking to cut back on their weight, try sharing a meal when going out (portion sizes today are ridiculous).
You must overcome the mental issues about food. You will not be able to eat everything you did before. That is the biggest challenge you will face. Also finding things on a menu when out. I look only at small dishes. I knew beforehand that I would never again eat another hamburger or a full steak. The weight loss and lifestyle gains far outweigh these issues.
Talk with the team. There are no stupid questions and they were always ready to chat if I needed them before I made the final call - even days before surgery.