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Obesity Advice

Exploring Sugar Substitutes and Healthier Sweetener Options

Exploring Sugar Substitutes and Healthier Sweetener Options

In today's health-conscious world, cutting back on added sugars is essential for preventing weight gain and chronic diseases. This blog explores various sugar substitutes and healthier sweetener options, offering insights into natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup, as well as artificial sweeteners such as stevia. Learn how to identify hidden sugars on food labels, manage sugar cravings, and make informed dietary choices to improve your overall well-being.
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Optimising Protein Intake After Bariatric Surgery: The Key to Successful Weight Loss and Recovery

Optimising Protein Intake After Bariatric Surgery: The Key to Successful Weight Loss and Recovery

A high-protein diet crucial for recovery and successful weight loss. This article explores the importance of protein intake post-surgery, offering insights into optimal dietary choices and practical tips for maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet during this critical phase.
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Gastric Sleeve Surgery - Is it a Smart Health Investment for Long-Term Wellness?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery - Is it a Smart Health Investment for Long-Term Wellness?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery not only offers potential health benefits for those struggling with obesity but also involves significant health care costs.
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Fatty Liver: What Is It and How Can It Affect Me?

Fatty Liver: What Is It and How Can It Affect Me?

Fatty Liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a term a lot of people may not be familiar with. It occurs when too much fat builds up on the liver, which leads to liver inflammation. This can damage your liver and creates scarring and in severe cases, this scarring can lead to liver failure. There […]
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Our Top 3 Tips Post Weight Loss Surgery

Our Top 3 Tips Post Weight Loss Surgery

Great! You’ve made the life-changing decision to get weight loss surgery and you’re now back home recovering from the procedure – but what now? There are many tips and tricks to help achieve your weight loss goals post-surgery but as experts, we have always been asked “what are the best ways to keep weight off for […]
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Is Being Overweight Putting You at Risk of Sleep Apnoea?

Is Being Overweight Putting You at Risk of Sleep Apnoea?

If you’re struggling to stay awake during the day, or keeping your partner awake at night with loud snoring, then sleep apnoea could be the culprit. While sleep apnoea can occur in people with a normal BMI, the disorder is more common in those who are overweight.  If you’re not sure what sleep apnoea is […]
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Pregnancy and Bariatric Surgery | What you NEED to Know

Pregnancy and Bariatric Surgery | What you NEED to Know

Skye is one of our success stories! This photo was taken 2 years post-sleeve surgery and shows not only her incredible weight loss but the addition of this gorgeous little man to her family. Weight loss definitely improved Skye’s fertility and can definitely help you too if you are hoping to start a family and […]
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Obesity and Exercise - Where to start?

Obesity and Exercise - Where to start?

The number one rule is not to give up, any movement is good movement, you just have to find a way to start, no matter how small. It is incredibly important that if you are in this category to consult your physician. Discuss your plans with them so they can advise you on what level […]
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What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

Your doctor and the clinic support team will have gone through all the details with you however with your main focus being on preparing for the surgery, your expectations for post-surgery may not have been high on the priority list. So let’s look at some of the frequently asked questions patients have after the surgery. […]
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General Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery - FAQs

General Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery - FAQs

Weight loss surgery Bariatric surgery is now a common tool in the fight against obesity. Over 65% of all Australian adults and 25% of all Australian children are in the overweight to obese category. These numbers point to a chronic epidemic that needs long term solutions, not quick fixes. Weight loss surgery has been proven […]
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Weight Loss Revision Surgery FAQs

Weight Loss Revision Surgery FAQs

What is bariatric revision surgery? Bariatric revision surgery is a surgical procedure that is undertaken by patients who have previously had weight loss surgery and have either encountered complications or have not achieved the expected weight reduction with their initial bariatric surgery. This would normally be a different surgical procedure than the initial surgery with […]
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Do I need weight loss surgery?

Do I need weight loss surgery?

Has your weight become unmanageable?Have you had several failed attempts at dieting or weight loss?Is weight loss surgery the right option for you? Bariatric surgery is an option when other weight loss avenues have been explored and failed and is considered a lifesaving surgery. How can weight loss surgery help you? People who consider this […]
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So you have taken the easy way out?

So you have taken the easy way out?

This is a familiar saying that our patients tell us they have been subjected to hearing from family and friends. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. The decision to have bariatric surgery never comes lightly. It is never the first decision but comes after years of failed dieting, conversations with health care […]
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What are the benefits of Bariatric surgery

What are the benefits of Bariatric surgery

For many people, bariatric surgery is a life-saving operation.  When all other weight reduction avenues have failed, surgery gives the patient a genuine alternative to produce the results needed to achieve long-term weight loss goals. Extensive worldwide research has shown less than 5% of people who undertake a diet and exercise regime keep the weight […]
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Maladaptive Eating

Maladaptive Eating

What is maladaptive eating? If the Surgeon or the Dietitian has told you that you have maladaptive eating, it means that you have changed what you eat or how you eat, in such a way that it is affecting how the band works. This means that how successful you are at losing the weight, and even […]
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Good Sleep Helps Weight Loss

Good Sleep Helps Weight Loss

How are sleep and weight gain related? As we are all aware, if we are overweight or obese, our quality of sleep is often compromised as well as our health. Maybe something we didn’t know that one of the keys to helping shed those pounds is sleeping in! So what is considered enough sleep? For […]
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Food Cravings And How To Stop Being Tempted

Food Cravings And How To Stop Being Tempted

You know that old saying, “Try not to think about an elephant”, then all you can think about is an elephant. Why does it feel exactly the same when it comes to food and weight loss? Have you ever noticed that the food cravings kick in when the fast food ads come on? Right before […]
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The BMI Scale and What Does It Mean

The BMI Scale and What Does It Mean

The BMI Scale And What It Means Health professionals have developed a key indicator when it comes to assessing the weight to height ratios known as the BMI scale. This calculates the proportion of your height to your weight indicating a healthy weight range for your height. It is important to note this should be […]
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Cost of Weight Loss Surgery

Cost of Weight Loss Surgery

There are many reasons to look at the cost of weight loss surgery.  There may be a financial cost and it is important to research all the options available to you. The financial cost of having weight loss surgery is made up from many different sources.  It is best to speak to your health care […]
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5 Weight Loss Surgery Myths Busted

5 Weight Loss Surgery Myths Busted

There are many misnomers and myths surrounding weight loss surgery. It is quite a common procedure these days and the marketing and information surrounding this topic can often be misleading. Details regarding weight loss surgery can also often be misreported by the media. Here are 5 of the most commonly reported myths around weight loss […]
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Recent Studies Link Obesity to 13 Different Cancer Types

Recent Studies Link Obesity to 13 Different Cancer Types

Research As obesity is one of the worlds’ fastest growing health problems faced by governments, doctors are being asked to extensively research health problems associated with this new age phenomenon. We are aware that obesity has many detrimental health effects including, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnoea, high cholesterol and the list goes […]
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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity and its Definition To describe Childhood Obesity, or just simply obesity, it is the surplus of body fat in the body.  In this proportion, your body weight is estimated to be at the level which it is negative to your health. When a person is classified as obese, the level of body fat […]
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The Obesity Epidemic That's Killing Our Australia!

The Obesity Epidemic That's Killing Our Australia!

What Is Obesity And Why Are We In An Obesity Epidemic In Australia? Obesity, simply put, is as an excess of body fat that is considered to be at the level which it is negative to your health. When a person is classified as 'obese' by a doctor, the level of body fat involved is […]
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