All the staff have been super helpful, kind and professional. From the very moment that I needed to make my first consultation appointment. Patrick explained the whole surgery process clearly and answered all my questions. He made me feel very comfortable and put my anxiety to ease.
Honestly? Mostly other people trying to deter me “Have you tried a more NATURAL way?” or “But surgery is the easy way out, you just need to diet” and those are the least rude remarks!
That caused me to hesitate for around 5 years until I finally made a decision, and I only regret not doing it sooner!
Take as many Pre-Op and Post-Op pictures as you can, and make a “bariatric surgery goals” list. They can be very simple goals like “Fitting comfortably on a seat” or “No more chafing”. The post-op process can be taxing, and you might feel down or frustrated at times. Seeing small changes in your pictures or crossing out a goal from your list can help keep you motivated. Having a “Goal” clothing item also does wonders!
Forget about other people’s opinions. You do what you think will be best for you and your health. Set realistic expectations for what you expect of the surgery, and feel free to do your research.
There is a large number of resources and support from the bariatric community on social media. People who have or are about to go through a very similar process as you upload tons of info about their journey and will be happy to answer your questions or exchange some tips!